Adoption, Zealotry and Profit

What do online dating services, vulnerable children and confused potential parents have in common? Thea Ramirez, religious zealot and master marketer.

She and group of other people had an assessment done by AI to try to figure out the best match between a vulnerable child and potential parents willing to adopt from foster care. The people helping with this endeavor worked for dating matching companies. This was an article from UPI that gave me this information.

I am the mother of three adopted children from Korea, who were fostered instead of institutionalized and came to me at five months old. In my book, “Adoption Voices”, Published on Amazon you will see that even in this fairly ideal situation, there were a lot of challenges.

Deciding to adopt a child from foster care is huge decision. So often the children are beyond the early stages of life and have experienced serious, hurtful and devastating situations of many varieties, all of them traumatizing these children to a great extent.

Just the idea of the kind of assessment that was created makes me ask a lot of questions. How do you account for empathy, heartfelt love, tenacity and the skills that it takes to deal with a traumatized child? The answer is you cannot make this mechanical, It is a complex human endeavor.

Thea Ramirez would appear by several accounts to be very dishonest in her discussion of her successes, her company has made $4.2 million since 2016 and she just keeps looking for more organizations to support her. Nothing stops her zealous quest to do what cannot be done. I said earlier she was about religious zealousness, because she asks all of the parents to ask guidance from God no matter there religious beliefs or a relationship to any religion.

The social workers who do these matches as best they can do not need her interfering and I hope that she will continue to fail and governments and organizations will see her for who she is.

If government and organizations have money to spend, here’s how they should spend it. In my former career I was a human resources consultant and an instructional designer. I would not take anyone’s money, but I could design programs that allow potential parents first of all to understand what they might be getting into and then other programs to help them deal with the first year home and then all the challenges as the child ages.

Training does not solve all problems but it is the best way to come at this issue in a systematic, human and educational kind of way. Because I and may others, could write training programs based on their experience and good knowledge of basic Psychology and human behavior, something like this could make it a big difference in a parent’s success with a traumatized child.

Please consider spending money in this way, it is the only way to make a difference in this very human, complex, challenging endeavor, one that I support with all of my love.

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