Jane Ballback |
Author Biography

Jane has been teaching and story telling her whole life. When she was a little girl with her twin sister Jan, they would tell stories to all the other children in the neighborhood. The story telling continued during her career as a human resources consultant and trainer, knowing that people remember stories long after they have forgotten a lecture.

During her retirement she told her stories to parents who were waiting for their children to come from Korea and China. The reaction of the parents gave Jane the idea to begin a blog. The blog was very successful, and it turned into an online magazine called Adoption Voices Magazine. The success of the magazine turned out to be a full-time job and Jane’s health would not allow her to keep up with the work.

Jane decided to take the stories that she had written about her children and turn them into short stories for a book. It was very satisfying and exciting, particularly because she got to work with her daughter Stacee, who edited the book and with Megan Barrett, the books designer.

In addition to writing the book Jane does her human resources work pro-bono for nonprofits, has produced a TedX event in Ashland Oregon and has also produced a program for her local PBS station.